Our Services
Our Services
Executive and Team Coaching
Develops a learning organization.
Learning organizations are made up of people who enjoy learning and sharing the knowledge they acquire through their daily experiences. An Executive Coaching process for the team leader, combined with Team Coaching sessions where the group is trained to perform as a high-performance team with its own leader at the helm, is one of the best investments an organization can make.
Through various individual coaching meetings, sessions to align concepts, and group coaching sessions, team members go through a process where communication is improved; strengths and weaknesses of individuals are understood; the ability to reflect together is learned; and they begin to design their shared vision to face the future with the necessary speed in this first half of the 21st century.
The ability to learn and innovate is one of the main characteristics of organizations that will survive in this era of technological changes and dynamic paradigms in the current world.
Contact us to discuss the best process for your organization.

Mentoring for Sales Directors
We achieve quotas together.
Markets change overnight. Consumer preferences vary with the dynamics of the moment we are living in. What worked before now does not. The sales leader faces, along with their team, changes they were not accustomed to, making achieving objectives challenging in a world that does not respond to linear approaches but to complex ones.
Through a mentoring process, we develop the necessary skills to visualize sales differently and propose new paths that allow us to better understand the preferences of our market niches and adjust our products or services accordingly.
Nothing demotivates a sales team and its leader more than repeatedly not achieving quotas, with the economic and morale wear and tear that this represents. We help the sales leader achieve the quota by making it ours. We set clear objectives with deliverables and agreed deadlines with the organization to completely transform the issues that competition and the current context may present.
Before thinking about changing the head of your sales organization, let us understand the situation in detail and propose action alternatives.
Coaching Courses for Sales Managers.
Learn to coach your salespeople.
The Leader-Coach is the leadership style that works best in this first part of the 21st century, given the changing environment that generates anxiety and instability due to the speed with which we experience these changes. Being close to our salespeople, accompanying them individually and in groups, becomes extremely important for the best performance of the sales team.
Through a patented sales tracking model, the sales leader helps his salespeople understand what is required to advance opportunities within the sales process. Review meetings become individual and group learning opportunities. No more meaningless meetings to pressure sales, causing greater demotivation in the sales team.
The sales leader learns a new style of leading his team towards achieving quota and we accompany him in his first meetings with his group to model opportunity review sessions. Each salesperson takes specific tasks to complete during the time until the next meeting. The change is immediate.
Let us meet your sales leader and show them a new way to do follow-up meetings and perform as a Leader-Coach.